Swiss Army JavaGit

This project is maintained by bit-man

The usage of JavaGit library can be broadly divided into to two parts:

  1. JavaGit Object API
  2. JavaGit Command API

JavaGit Object API

Setting up the JavaGit Library

If you have multiple versions of git or the git binary is not on your system path, then you may want to setup the git binary to be used by JavaGit.

// Make sure you have JavaGit added as an external jar in your project

// Print the git version:  1.5.1

Initializing a new project.

// Create a new directory to be used as a git repository or point to an exisiting directory.
File repositoryDirectory = new File("/path/to/your_repo_directory");

//get the instance of the dotGit Object
dotGit = DotGit.getInstance(repositoryDirectory);

//Initialize the repository ,similar to git init

DotGit versus WorkingTree

The WorkingTree represents the checkout of the current working branch. The DotGit represents the .git directory in the root directory of the working tree; i.e. the git repository.

File repositoryDirectory = new File("/path/to/your_repo_directory");

// Get the instance of the DotGit Object
DotGit dotGit = DotGit.getInstance(repositoryDirectory);

// Get the current working tree from the git repository
WorkingTree wt = dotGit.getWorkingTree();

Adding files to the repository

// The "/path/to/working/tree" is the directory containing the .git directory
File workingTreePath = new File("/path/to/working/tree");
WorkingTree wt = WorkingTree.getInstance(workingTreePath);

GitFile file = wt.getFile(new File("path/relative/to/workingtree/root.txt"));

GitAddResponse ar = wt.add();

Commiting files

Git manages content, not files. So, add new or changed files before performing a commit.

File file = new File("FileToCreate.txt");

// Create the file somewhere in the working tree

File workingTreePath = new File("/path/to/working/tree");
WorkingTree wt = WorkingTree.getInstance(workingTreePath);

// Add modified content and commit
wt.commit("First commit to the git repository");

Managing branches

// Get the instance of the dotGit Object
File repositoryDirectory = new File("/path/to/your_repo_directory");
DotGit dotGit = DotGit.getInstance(repositoryDirectory);

// Get the current working tree
WorkingTree wt = dotGit.getWorkingTree();

// Getting the current working branch
Ref master = wt.getCurrentBranch();

// Print the name of the current branch, "master" in this case
System.out.println("Current branch is:  " + master);

// Creating a new branch 
Ref experimental = dotGit.createBranch("experimental");

// Change current working branch to the newly created branch

// Print the name of the current branch, now it is "experimental"
System.out.println("Current branch is:  " + wt.getCurrentBranch());

// Deleting a branch, remember to change the current branch
dotGit.deleteBranch(experimental, true);

Retrieving git logs

// Get the instance of the dotGit Object
File repositoryDirectory = new File("/path/to/your_repo_directory");
DotGit dotGit = DotGit.getInstance(repositoryDirectory);

// Print commit messages of the current branch
for (Commit c : dotGit.getLog()) {

Complete example

Example : [](

How to use JavaGit Commands

All the JavaGit Commands are implemented in a uniform manner. Below is an example of using the GitStatus command to get the number of untracked files in the repository and the GitAdd command to add a new file to the repository.

File workingTreePath = new File("/path/to/working/tree");
File newFile = new File("Another/File/To/Create.txt");

// Create the file

// Use the GitStatus Command API to get number of untracked files.
GitStatus gitStatus = new GitStatus();
GitStatusResponse status = gitStatus.status(workingTreePath);
int numberOfUntrackedFiles = status.getUntrackedFilesSize();

// Add the file 
GitAdd add = new GitAdd();
add.add(workingTreePath, newFile);

// Get the status of the Another/File directory
File anotherFileDir = new File("Another/File");
GitStatusOptions options = new GitStatusOptions();
status = gitStatus.status(workingTreePath, options, anotherFileDir);